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Dat lukt jou ook!
Smoking is a highly addictive habit
Nicotine is very addictive and you often smoke without even thinking about it. Maybe you've been smoking for a long time. It can therefore be quite difficult to stop.
With professional help, the succesrate to stop smoking is 10x higher
But it is certainly not impossible to quit. And with professional help, the success rate of not falling back in your old smoking patterns is 10x greater than if you would try to quit smoking without professional help. We have already succesfully helped more than 6000 participants to stop smoking.
Our program
We guide our participants for six weeks. Our program is based on cognitive behavioral therapy. During the weekly 20-minute sessions, all kinds of topics are discussed. First, we provide insight into the participants personal reasons to quit and we analyze current or past smoking behaviour. We then help the participants step by step to recognize their risk situations and triggers for smoking. We teach them to be prepared for these situations and to choose alternative behaviour (other than smoking).
Nicotine replacement aids
Aids such as nicotine patches, lozenges or medication are often used during the program because practice shows that the combination of guidance and these nicotine replacement aids is most effective. These aids are reimbursed 100% by your insurance in combination with our program.
Quit smoking together
With our program you join the sessions online or by phone together with your practitioner and, if applicable for your situation, a small group of other smokers that want to quit. Quitting together with a practitioner and a group is easier than doing it alone. The specialised practitioner is very experienced and shares knowledge, gives you insight in your behaviour, helps you to recognise difficult moments and offers solutions for those moments. You will end up feeling prepared and strong enough to win the battle and quit smoking forever.
Program which is proven to be effective
The focus within the WeQuit program is not only on quitting smoking 'now', but also on long-term success: staying stopped. Our program is based on the guidance that has the best chance of success according to independent research. That is why it is also 100% reimbursed by all insurers. After following our program, 94% of our participants have stopped smoking. That's why we say: WeQuit, you can do that too!